German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Breed Facts
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Although the modern version of GSP took shape during the 1800s, there were many other stages of development for this breed starting as early as the 17th Century. The early forerunners are thought to be either the German Bird Dog or Spanish Pointer and the Hanover hound. Later, crosses with English Pointers were common but decreased the breed's versatility due; it no longer excelled at water retrieving or attacking game. The sportsmen wanted a breed with an acute sense of smell to sniff out and hunt prey of any size, in the field, forest, or water. German hunters didn’t go after their prey on horseback, so the dog needed to locate the game within the hunter’s walking distance.
Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽
While German shorthaired pointers fall into this group, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all GSPs have anxiety. Attachment, attention, and proper training can help your dog to have a higher quality of life if they are living with an anxiety-related condition or range of symptoms. Diet is essential to the health and wellness of your short hair pointer, and should be overseen by a vet to help them to get the most out of every meal.
German Shorthaired Pointer Food Consumption
Plus, German dog breeds were developed for different purposes, including hunting, herding, and guarding. With the tremendous success the breed has had in field trials in the U.S., France, Italy, Spain, and elsewhere, accusations of more recent crossbreeding have been made for decades. The most common “culprit” of these allegations is the English Pointer. Some believe that many dogs registered as German Shorthaired Pointers are now about as German as an order of fish and chips. When I’ve discussed these accusations with breeders in Europe and North America, I’ve received answers ranging from vehement denials to sly nods and winks.
Common German shorthaired pointer health problems
My first impression of the dogs was that they do resemble the photos I had seen of early GSPs. But they also said that the Burgos Pointer was used to refresh GSP lines many years before that, around the time of the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. In 1879, a standard for the German Shorthaired Pointer was agreed upon and, in 1880, a breed club was formed. Originally called the Brauntigerklubs in reference to the breed’s brown and white roan “tiger” coat, the following year it was renamed Klub Kurzhaar. Shortly thereafter, in 1897, the club began holding hunt tests and established its first studbook.
GSP Size

For one group of breeders, the solution lay in recreating a type of dog that they believed used to exist. It was their “father’s grandfather’s” dog—a solid, old-fashioned German hunting dog capable of all things. They even came up with what, to them, was a foolproof way of doing it. They would select and breed dogs that looked like the “Old Germanic” dogs, and the all-around abilities would automatically follow.
Medium Sized Dogs: The Goldilocks of Dog Sizes

They were then bred by a man by the name of Dr. Charles Thornton in Montana, who helped to grow these dogs in popularity. A short time later, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club and could partake in shows. While the breed is extremely popular now, number 16 in fact, they became quite difficult to find in the years following World War II. This was due to the fact that people began to hide their cherished possessions away, including the German Shorthaired Pointer.
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Ruffwear Front Range Dog Harness Review: After 5 Years of Testing by a Pulling GSP.
Posted: Tue, 06 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Arkwright Pointers and their connection to German Shorthaired Pointers
But German Shepherds also make loving family pets with plenty of mental stimulation and exercise. However, it's not necessarily the best breed for first-time pet parents. The German shepherd isn’t the only popular dog breed that comes from Germany. Many common breeds, along with some more rare canines, have their roots in the European country. Some, such as the dachshund, are quite small and portable while others, such as the Great Dane, are massive.
Popular German Shorthaired Pointer Breed Mixes
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Posted: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]
The German Shorthaired Pointer temperament is characterized by a friendly and outgoing nature, loyalty, affection, and an energetic but gentle disposition. The 1950s and 60s were years of rapid expansion for the breed in Germany and throughout much of the rest of the world. In the U.S., in particular, the breed’s popularity grew by leaps and bounds as more and more hunters and field trailers discovered its qualities. By the 1970s, the GSP had become one of the most popular hunting dogs in North America and much of Europe.
Fortunately, more level-headed and pragmatic breeders believed that the best way to develop an all-around gundog was to focus on performance and let appearance take care of itself. They even dispensed with much of the nationalistic bombast of their counterparts and crossed their dogs with English Pointers and Setters to gain speed, range, and nose. Their dogs proved to be superior in every way to the dogs bred by the “form first” group. They need a large amount of room to run and play, so they’re not really suitable for apartment life.
Prince Albrecht zu Solms-Braunfeld of the Royal House of Hanover played a significant role in encouraging breeders to prioritize function over form when selecting early specimens. As a result, a lean, athletic, and responsive hunting dog emerged, showcasing intelligence and affection as a companion. Though your GSP might look physically mature by the age of six months, but it can take a few years for these dogs to mature out of puppy behaviors. This equates to a puppy with the strength of a full-grown dog (hence the need for training). GSP owners also report that their beloved pets often stay spry and ready to run or chase even into their old age. This is a high-energy dog that will not be content to sit around all day.
The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America (GSPCA) was recognized as the AKC Parent Club in 1938, with the first breed standard approved in May 1946. The GSP’s smooth and short coat is relatively low maintenance and doesn’t shed excessively. Regular brushing with a firm bristle brush once a week is sufficient to keep the coat in good condition.
Opt for a middle-of-the-road puppy rather than one who displays excessive aggression towards littermates or one who is overly timid and fearful. There are some great guides to help you with all aspects of puppy care and training. Once you have found a German Shorthaired Pointer breeder than you are happy with, you might have to wait for them to have a litter with a puppy available. Avoid puppy mills and pet stores to ensure your pup is as healthy and happy as possible. Their dogs should have a purpose in their lives, and be valued as a member of the family or working team of gundogs.
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